7th Grade Wallops Island

A Day in the Life of a BFS Kindergartener

8:00AM - 8:15AM - Morning recess: I get to play outside during drop-off!

8:15AM - Morning work: Today we did a pumpkin life cycle book where we colored, cut, assembled, and then read the books with our friends.

8:40AM - Circle time and jobs: We went over the calendar, weather, and counting attendance. Today my job was being the yoga breath leader!

9:00AM - Math Work: Today we did pattern snakes! We used color shapes to make our own patterned snakes. Ssssssssss!!

9:45AM - Literacy: We have been studying the lowercase letters in Fundations. Today we learned about the letter "m" and all the fun sounds it makes. We practiced writing it and then drew things that start with the letter "m."
10:00AM - 10:25AM - RECESS!!! Today I pretended I was a baby bat with my friends and then we gave each other rollercoaster rides in the red wagons!

10:25AM - 10:40AM - Snack time. Yumm!

10:40AM - 11:15AM - Social Studies: Teacher Jaime continued our Identity Unit with House Glyphs. Teacher Jaime read The Family Book by Todd Parr and we talked about who lives in our home, what makes a family, and how different families can look. Then we made our own houses and listed who lived there. Afterward, we all had to guess whose house it was based on what we know about our friends.

11:15AM - 12:00PM - Art Class: my favorite! Ms. Kris had us finish up our clay pinch pots. I got to pick out my favorite color for the glaze!

12:00PM - 12:30PM - RECESS!!! We played in one of the big bushes on the playground. Its lower branches are just perfect for sitting on and the leaves make us feel like we are in our own clubhouse.

12:30PM - 12:50PM - Lunch: After all that running around, I'm hungry!

12:55PM - 1:25PM - Music Class: Mr. Cox had us practice our Halloween songs for our Lower School Halloween Performance this week. Afterward, we listen to music from India and danced with scarves!

1:30PM - 2:00PM - French Class: Madame Reiss taught us how to say all the colors and then we sang songs in French.

2:00PM - 2:15PM - Reading: Teacher Stephanie read us the Piggie and Gerald book, "Piggie Has a New Friend." We talked about how we can have more than one best friend and how we are ALL friends.

2:15PM - 2:30PM - We had Quiet Time and got to finish up our work from earlier.

2:30PM - 2:50PM - When I was done, I had Choice Time. I love to play in the toy supermarket or with the dinosaurs.

2:50PM - 3:00PM - Closing circle time with Teachers Jaime and Stephanie. We say goodbye to our friends.

3:00PM - Dismissal: We divide up by bus, pick-up, and After School. Today my parents picked me up and we played in the little wood cabin!

I love Kindergarten!