Welcome from the Head of School
Welcome to Buckingham Friends School, a K-8 independent school that celebrates the spirit of youth, stewards the promise of each individual to build an engaged learning community, and offers an education second to none. Each member of our school community is motivated by—and benefits from—deeply held values that include a commitment to inspirational academics and an appreciation for how self-awareness, joyful engagement, and wellness enhance academic achievement and personal growth. Our values inform how we teach students to develop their individual talents and character strengths, act with personal integrity, and demonstrate empathy as part of a locally connected and globally aware community.
At BFS, children and adults find space to explore and grow—through a curriculum that’s flexible and responsive to their interests; across an expansive campus that encourages play and risk-taking; and within our value-added programming (such as the Joint Environmental Mission, After School enrichment programs, and a comprehensive offering of arts classes) that add breadth and depth to their learning experiences.
One of the distinguishing characteristics of a BFS education is the quality of our community and the relationships we build. We view students, families, faculty, staff, alumni, and members of the local community as partners…all striving for meaningful personal accomplishments and shared success. We expect a great deal of one another. We are deeply grateful for each other’s contributions, joyfully supportive of everyone’s achievements, and dedicated to each person’s ability to become the best version of themselves.
When we admit a student, we welcome a family. BFS families are an integral part of all that we value and do, and parents comment regularly about how well their children are known, the quality of outreach and support that they receive, and how they feel heard and included. The lines of communication are always open between home and school.
I would love to see you on campus…at an upcoming event, or for a personal tour with Director of Admissions Melissa Clayton or one of our student admissions ambassadors. To learn more, please give us a call or email Melissa.
I hope to see you soon.
Head of School
PS: Read my blog or follow us on Instagram and Facebook for stories about how we celebrate the spirit of youth and steward the promise of each individual to build an engaged learning community!