Upper school student


SoccerSports Programs
The BFS Athletics program offers opportunities for Middle and Upper School students to practice important life skills - teamwork, cooperation, leadership, and commitment. Our coaches foster a healthy competitive environment where wins are celebrated together and losses are seen as shared opportunities for learning.
We currently offer the following sports:
  • Soccer (Co-ed)
  • Cross Country (Co-ed)
  • Basketball (Boys and Girls Teams)
  • Softball (Co-ed)
  • Lacrosse (Girls)

Each Middle and Upper School student is encouraged to participate in at least one sport each year. The Middle School athletic program is intramural, designed to help students gain confidence and skills. Once in the Upper School, BFS athletes have the opportunity to compete with students from other local independent schools.


Drop Off & Parking For Visiting Teams:


Click here for a map of the campus. US Soccer, Softball, and Lacrosse are played at the lower fields past the Meetinghouse. Please note there is no parking down at the lower fields. Students and parents must walk down the trail to the fields. Basketball is held in the gym and MS Intramural Soccer is played at Grandparent's Field.


For buses: please enter from Route 263 and follow the buses only route to drop off students.  After drop off, please park down at the bottom of the hill where you first entered or in the lot near the Jane Jackson House. 


For visiting parents: please use the parking lots off of the Route 263 entrance.  If these 2 lots are filled, please park down past the Jane Jackson House or the overflow parking area. 


Please be mindful not to park in a drop-off area, on the grass or rocks lining the main entrance, or the driveway near the Buckingham Meeting House. 


For more information, contact Colleen Baumgardner, Director of Athletics at [email protected]

Schedule of Events:
To see our schedule of athletic events, please view our school calendar by clicking below and click on Sports.
Campus Map
Directions to Grandparents Field